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High Commission of India,Ottawa participates in Vesak Day celebrations at City Hall

   High Commission of India, Ottawa participated in Vesak Day celebration on 7th May, 2016 at City Hall, Ottawa. The event was attended by City Councillor Jean Cloutier who represented Mayor and City Council. Apart from India, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Mayanmar had also set up their booths. The Indian booth was visited by number of visitors showing interests in India and enquiring about Budhist pilgrimage sites. Around 400-500 people from various walks of life participated in the function.

   The event began with announcement of proclamation of Vesak day by City Councilor. Message from PM Trudeau was also read at the event. This was followed by Dharma talk by Bhante Saloeurm Savath and talk on "Buddhism, Compassion and World Peace" by Dr. Angela Sumegi, from Carleton University. The event culminated with cultural programme performed by children and various dance groups.

