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India Fellows Programme 2016 OIFC and ISB

Government of India’s New Initiative for Indian Diaspora Entrepreneurs and Professionals

India Fellows Programme launched by OIFC in partnership with Indian School of Business (ISB)

Overseas Indian Facilitation Centre (OIFC), a PPP between the Government of India and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), has partnered with the Indian School of Business (ISB), a top ranked global B School, to launch the OIFC-ISBIndia Fellows Programme’,a programme designed for the young Indian Diaspora business owners and professionals in decision making capacity, to familiarise them with doing business in India. OIFC is designing this programme with ISB to connect Indiandiaspora entrepreneurs to opportunities arising out if new initiatives of the Government of India like Make in India, Digital India and Startup India."

Offered under the OIFC’s India Connect Initiatives,the OIFC-ISB India Fellows Programmeaims to familiarise and encourage the young Indian Diaspora to viewIndia as an economically attractive destination.The programme offers a tailor made opportunity to gain an understanding of aspects critical to gaining market entry into India; practical insights about doing business in India, understanding the legal and regulatory environment,engagement and networking opportunities with Indian businessmenand an insight into the innovative and disruptive business models emerging in the world’s fastest growing economy.

The year-long programme led by ISB is offered as a blended model comprising technology aided learning and a specially designed 12-days residential programme in India. The residency will be provide an experiential mix including exposure to the touch and feel of the Indian market, connect with senior government officials dealing with investment policies, domain experts, captains of the Indian industry and a curated networking opportunity with potential business partners. The Fellows will spend their residential learning stint at ISB’s campuses in Hyderabad and Mohali, and at Delhi.

Programme details and benefits:

TheOIFC-ISB India Fellows Programmeis open to young Indian Diaspora entrepreneurs/professionals in decision-making capacity/potential investors and international partners of Indian companies (21-39 years of age); with minimum of three years of entrepreneurial/business experience. The programme will be taught by globally renowned faculty from ISB along with experienced industry and government practitioners.
Scheduled to begin in June 2016, the programme is being offered at aspecial introductory feeof US $5,000 per participant plus service tax. Fee includes boarding and lodging, programme-related learning material, field visits and webinars. Participants will have to bear the cost of travel and local conveyance.Selected candidates who complete the programme will become members of theOIFC India Entrepreneurship Fellows (OIEF) Club,which will receive support and facilitation from OIFC in doing business in India.

For more

About ISB

The Indian School of Business (ISB) is a global Business school offering world-class management education across its two campuses – Hyderabad and Mohali. The School has grown at a rapid pace since its inception and already has several notable accomplishments to its credit – it is the youngest school ever to consistently rank among the top Global MBA programmes, the first institution in South Asia to receive the prestigious AACSB accreditation, one of the largest providers of Executive Education in Asia, and the most research productive Indian management institution. A vibrant pool of research-oriented resident faculty, strong academic associations with leading global B-schools and the backing of an influential Board, have helped the ISB fast emerge as a premier global Business school in the emerging markets. For more details


CharuMathur C. ChittiPantulu
Chief Executive Officer, OIFC Director-Marketing and Communications
Email: Email:
Mobile: +91-9971 4999 85 Phone: +91 40 2318 7439

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