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   An increasing incidence of fake calls, purportedly made at the behest of the High Commission of India (HCI) has come to notice, when the caller tries to elicit personal information from an Indian national or person-of-Indian-origin (PIO). It is also learnt that some callers have claimed to be representing Canadian immigration authorities.

2.   At the outset it is reiterated that these areprank or malicious calls. HCI does NOT seek personal information of any kind on phone, in this fashion.

3.   Generally such callers spoof a certain telephone number to make it appear legitimate. It is easy to establish the fraudulent call by calling back on the supposed number. Chances are that neither the caller nor the number would be in existence.

4.   It is understood that such calls are being received at random by people across Canada, regardless of nationality, country of origin or background.

5.   The High Commission of India are in regular touch with Canadian authorities on the matter, as and when any such incident comes to notice.

6.   If such a call is received by an Indian national he/she is requested to immediately inform the police and the High Commission of India ( All our contact particulars are on the website.

7.   Your safety and well-being is of paramount importance to us.


23 June 2016