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Quebec-India Business Council organized their annual event themed Green Energy and Environmental Initiativesin Montreal on 7 December, 2016.

Quebec-India Business Council organized their annual event themed Green Energy and Environmental Initiativesin Montreal on 7 December, 2016. Acting High Commissioner Arun Kumar Sahu was the main speaker at the event. In his speech, he spoke about the energy needs of India as well as opportunities India offer for investment in the green energy sector. He highlighted PM Modi's four pillars of vision for India's energy future: (i) energy access (ii) energy efficiency (iii) energy sustainability, and (iv) energy security. He said India is a very important destination for opportunities for foreign investors. He explained in detail how Indian economy has grown over the years and is one of the fastest growing economy and while talking about BRICS he said 'I' was the only letter which was shining. AHC Sahu also talked about Make In India, Smart cities and Digital India. The event was attended by about forty guests including entrepreneurs, CEOs and businessmen. The event was concluded with a Q&A session. Questions included green technology and demonetization.

8 December, 2016