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Indian Cultural Show at Canadian Tulip Festival

High Commission of India organised a spell binding Indian cultural show at the 65th edition of Canadian Tulip festival in Ottawa on May 13, 2017. The event was attended by around seven hundred people who were enthralled by the vibrant Indian art and tradition.

The programme began with the composition “Incredible India” choreographed by Ms. Shefali Adhikari . Ms. Shefali presented a glimpse of a few regional folk dances within a short spam of ten minutes. It was followed by showcase of unity and diversity of Indian states through traditional costumes by Ms. Vandana Sharma. Then came energetic bhangra performed by “Virsa Performing Arts Ottawa”. Demonstration of “Yogasanas” by Dr. V Kumar Bharti was the last piece.

The jubilant crowd encouraged the performers by standing ovation from time to time. In the end, Second Secretary(PIE) Vishwa Nath Goel thanked everyone present there for attending this small presentation of forty five minutes by High Commission of India in Ottawa.
