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Independence Day celebrations in Ottawa

Independence Day celebrations in Ottawa

The flag hoisting ceremony on the occasion of 70th Anniversary of India’s Independence Day was held on the morning of 15th August, 2017 at India House. The ceremony was attended by approximately 150 persons including Minister of Infrastructure and Communities for Canada, Honorable Mr. Amarjeet Sohi. High Commissioner unfurled the National Flag and read out excerpts from President of India’s message to the nation. Minister Sohi also addressed the gathering and spoke about the role of Indo-Canadians in the freedom struggle of India.

The National Day reception was held at Delta Hotel in the evening of 15th August, 2017. The reception was very well attended with a gathering of approximately 450 persons. Among the distinguished guests were - Minister of Small Business and Tourism and Leader of the House, Honorable Ms. Bardish Chagger, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, Honorable Mr. Amarjeet Sohi, Hon. Ms. Beverley McLachin, Chief Justice of Canada, His Worship Mr. Jim Watson, Mayor of Ottawa, several Members of Parliament and members of the Provincial Assembly, prominent figures from the worlds of business, media, culture and prominent members of the Indian community from Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Kingston. Both Honorable Ms Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario and Honorable Mr Patrick Brown, Leader of Opposition in Ontario came for our Independence Day reception.

High Commissioner addressed the gathering and informed about the new and resurgent India creating a better future through engagement of youth and technology as well as through flagship programmes like ‘Make in India’ & ‘Digital India’. He spoke about India’s external engagement with the world with the aim of peace through constructive initiatives embodied in ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’. He also acknowledged the Indian diaspora’s importance and contribution in the growth of relations between the two countries.

Minister Sohi and Minister Chagger also addressed the gathering. Minister Sohi remembered the contribution of the early Indian settlers in Canada who left to fight for India’s freedom. He spoke about the shared history of both the countries as Canada was also a colonized country and that there were many common threads that bind the two countries together. Minister Chaggar spoke about the fact that both the countries provide equal opportunities to everyone. She talked about her recent visit to India and said that during the visit she found that the two countries that ‘make her’ were so similar - with unprecedented access to people and a growing middle class. She stressed that people-to-people and business-to-business ties can take the relationship between the two countries to higher levels. Premier Kathleen Wynne heaped praise on the Indo-Canadian Community and its contribution to Ontario’s development. She also spoke about her visit to India and the connection between the province and India.

The guests were then regaled with a dazzling performance by the rock fusion band ‘Mrigya’ which was sponsored by ICCR and which entertained the guests with some excellent fusion music based on the patriotic spirit. The evening concluded with the guests being treated to a sumptuous Indian platter.
