News and Events News, Events, and Press Release

Paryatan Parv organised in Montreal

    Paryatan Parv is being held in India from 5-25 October, 2017. It was also organised by High Commission of India in collaboration with India Tourism Toronto on 21 October, 2017 in Montreal. 

    An event was held at "International Tourism and travel Show" involving Indian community members and several tour operators. The attendees were showcased the benefits of Tourism in India. They were encouraged to motivate their family and friends to visit India from time to time so that the young generation could also experience a real taste of Indian life and festivities. The participants were served Indian snacks and refreshments. 

    A great enthusiasm was observed amongst the visitors that included Canadians from all walks of life as well as members of the Indian diaspora. It was evident that most of the visitors were not well aware of the tremendous tourist potential of India. The event whetted their curiosity to know more about the country and they left the event site with a desire to travel to India. They could be seen requesting the tour operators for their contact information. The event turned out to be quite successful.


