How to Apply Consular Services

How to Apply

High Commission of India


Process for submission of Passport application

Step 1- Submission of application online.

Please register & submit the Passport application online following the guidelines at the below link. Please read carefully the details and various provisions while submitting application for Passport on the following link / website :

Please fill up all the information correctly, after going through the details in the “Checklist and Information Booklet for Passport”.  In case of any correction, fresh online form may be filled and submitted.

Step 2 – Submit print out of the Passport application along with the documents as prescribed in the Checklist and Fee at BLS Center.

For further details with regard to application form, documents, etc., please check the details on the BLS Website (

For details about required documents, fees, etc. for submission of Passport application please see details under the tab

Checklist and Information Booklet for Passport