Certificate of Date of Birth Consular Services

Certificate of Date of Birth

Certificate of Date of Birth

This service has been outsourced. You need to contact one of the offices of our outsourcing agents, BLS International. Their office addresses, timings, phone numbers and e-mail address can be found by clicking here. We issue a "Certificate of Date of Birth" on the basis of entries in Indian Passport (not on the basis of passport of some other country). Please note that it is not a "Birth Certificate" but a Certificate of the Date of Birth. Applicants are advised to check the acceptability of this Certificate with the Canadian authorities before obtaining this certificate. Following documents are required:

  • Application form ( EAP-2 )duly filled in.
  • One recent colour passport size photograph (2" x 2").
  • Indian passport with Landing/immigration paper/PR Card.

The processing time is about 15 business days. The fee charged is C$ 34 + C$ 3/-. In addition, you will be required to pay processing fee to BLS International. Please consult them about the total cost and the exact procedure for remitting the fee.