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India-Canada Business Round Table

Parliament Hills, Ottawa
26 September 2016

Ahead of the next round of India-Canada Trade Minister’s meeting in Canada, the High Commission of India in Ottawa, in partnership with Indo Canada Ottawa Business Chamber (ICOBC) and Canada - India Business Council (C-IBC) organized a business round table at the Parliament Hills on 26 September, 2016. The objective of the Conference was to bring together key stakeholders of India Canada trade and allow the voice of industry to be heard on matters relating to barriers to bilateral trade and investment.

The round table was attended by representatives from the Business Council of Canada, local companies (such as EION, D-TA Systems, TaraSpan - ICT Working Group participants, SNC, Bombardier, MDS Aero, CAE, ), representatives from the Federal and Provincial government, (MP and MPPs), the government of Canada’s senior executives from Global Affairs Canada and Indian Trade Association representing Indian companies.

Addressing the round table, the Canadian High Commissioner to India, H.E. Nadir Patel briefed the gathering about the rapid change that Indian economy is undergoing and the immense opportunities that it has opened for Canadian trade and investment. Throwing light on the current state of bilateral relations, he hoped that the Canadian businesses would seize the opportunities to increase their presence in India.

Addressing the round table, Deputy High Commissioner of India, Arun Sahu articulated the vision of PM Modi to propel India to a new trajectory of development and welcomed the Canadian partners to be an integral part of this growth story. He welcomed the suggestions of the round table.

The Round table also discussed the current impediments in growing Indo-Canadian Trade in the context of the ongoing Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) negotiations. The round table acted as a "facilitator" to ensure that suggestion and recommendations were effectively recorded. A summary of the proceedings will be provided to all participants and is likely to serve as a reference point for government trade policy officials and negotiators as the bilateral trade engagement evolves.

The day-long round table was concluded by the remarks of the Canadian Hon’ble Bardish Chagger, Miniser for Small Business and Tourism and the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons.

High Commission of India, Ottawa,